Over the 30 year history of Katikati Open-Air Art there have been a number of highlights and milestones including;
May, 1990. Katikati Open-Air Art Inc formed
1990, First mural #1 Waitekohe School unveiled
1992, 10th mural completed “Haymaking”
1994, Runner-ups in the first Trustpower Western Bay of Plenty Community Awards
1995, Winner of Trustpower – Western Bay of Plenty Community award
1995, Finalist in the Heritage category – New Zealand Tourism Awards
1995, Kiwifruit Coast Business Awards – finalist
November, 1996, ”Mural town magic festival” was held
November, 1996, New Mural Town Information Centre was opened
1996, 20th mural completed “George Vesey Stewart”
1999, 30th mural completed “Pohutukawa Sentinal”
1998, Tauranga Heritage Award
1999, “Barry” arrived in Katikati
2000, Haiku Pathway opened
2001, First appearance of “Pukeko Kid” image
2002, June Carlton honoured with QSM (Queen’s Service Medal for Community Service)
2002, The sculpture of “Barry” was vandalised
2004/2005, 40th mural completed “Going Nowhere”
September, 2006, First New Zealand Mural and Arts festival held
May, 2007, First of the new “Katikati Muraltown” road signs erected
September, 2008, Second New Zealand Mural & Arts festival held
2008, “The Pioneers” sculpture erected, dedicated to June and Colin Carlton
2009, Winner of Trustpower – Western Bay of Plenty Community award
2010, Runner-up New Zealand Trustpower Community awards
October, 2011, 3rd New Zealand Mural & Arts festival in conjunction with “Real NZ” festival was held